Recycled Products

Ever wondered how your recycled products are produced?  

Recyclable items are collected from your business in two ways. There are kerbside 'sort' solutions where recyclables are sorted into their respective materials in bags, bins or using labels and are loaded onto our collection vehicles at the kerbside. And there are co-mingled collections where all your recyclables are put into one compartment on the lorry before being taken to our Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) and sorted. 

At the MRF, all the mixed recycling is sorted and separated into different types of materials by hand or machine (or both) before being sent to manufacturers who make it into new products. 

Once collected and sorted, recycled materials become valuable commodities in the worldwide market. 

And what are these commodities? 

  • All of the newsprint manufactured here in the UK is now made from 100% recycled paper. 

  • All of the organic (garden and kitchen) waste we collect is recycled here, usually quite close to where it is collected. 

  • Over 80% of the glass collected for recycling is reused in the UK, the majority of it to make new glass bottles and jars. 

There is an ever increasing range of high quality products that are made in the UK from recycled materials. 



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